IPL for Chalazion

A chalazion is a collection of inflammatory debris typically perpetuated by an acute infection of an oil gland inside the eyelid. Traditionally, when a chalazion became scarred down (fibrosed), we used to rely on intralesional injections or surgical procedures to remove it. We now have a quick, non-surgical method of reducing inflammation, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). 

IPL for Chalazion:

  • Is utilized in-office
  • takes ~ 15 minutes,
  • requires no downtime
  • no surgical intervention to resolve the chalazion 

How does it work?

  • Heat energy from the IPL helps melt the stagnant meibum
  • Light energy reduces inflammation by coagulating/closing off leaky blood vessels
  • iPL prevents recurrence of chalazion
  • Reduces inflammation in the whole eyelid

Early intervention is just as important as identifying and treating the underlying cause. Please schedule a consultation to determine if this is the appropriate treatment for you. 

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