Radio Frequency

Avant Eyes Optometry & Advanced Dry Eye Center is proud to announce the introduction of Forma-ITM bipolar radiofrequency treatments for Dry Eye Disease.

Radio Frequency is a novel treatment that assists in:

  • Meibomian gland evacuation
  • Meibum melting (primary cause of Dry Eye Disease)
  • Reduces ocular inflammation
  • Reduces dry eye symptoms immediately such as burning, tearing, irritation
  • Encourages neocollagenesis (builds collagen in the skin around the eyes)
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles around the eyelids
  • Encourages a full, tight blink for loose eyelid skin


How many treatments will I need?

Forma-ITM RF typically requires 3-4 treatments spaced 2 weeks apart to achieve best results. It is often combined with other in-office and at-home therapies for maximum efficacy and resolution of symptoms. Maintenance treatments may be needed every 6-12 months.

Can I utilize my FSA/HSA funds?

Yes. We will create a custom tailored program that suits the severity of your case. The program is designed to maximize benefit, allowing you to continue with your busy life without the challenge of living with dry eye symptoms. We will often need to consider expression of your meibomian glands and a gentle microblepharoexfoliation procedure.

How Do I Know If RF Is Right For Me?

Most patients are candidates for RF. Please schedule a Dry Eye Consultation.

Can RF be used as a non-surgical treatment option for chalazion/lumps/bumps?

Yes, when used correctly

What Does A Dry Eye Consultation Entail?

Anterior segment photos of the adnexae, conjunctiva, cornea, eyelids
Fluorescein/Lissamine Green Staining
Corneal Sensitivity Testing
Additional testing as needed

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